Welcome to daftjerry.neocities.org!

I made this site just to practically mess around with my HTML skills! Right now you are in the index page, which is also what i'll use for some kind of dumbass blog or something!

Blog 1: hi hi first blog

hi welcome to my first blog!!! and if you're new to this site just welcome in general! this site was just made to mess around with html, css and js to make something like those mid to late 2000s websites. site design actually takes inspiration from one of noluhun's images!

see here

anyway, i want to give a shout out to a couple of people for making this site possible!! including jyvee, yuka, sammi, jay, nema, mal, and a couple of others! as you can see at the bottom or top of the index page idk where i moved it in the future, you'll see a couple of ads! These ads are not real, i just made them for funsies and to make it feel like a authentic site you'd see during like the early 2010s.